Telephone Designs For 2010
The Molecular Telephone Oh fabulous simplicity .Wherefor art thou ,the truest form of it ?Is it the newest bricks ,or the never -made sculpturals without “beer compass ”applications ?Judge for me !This is aconcept cell phone made by Tjep Design for the O2company .It is based on the same concept as O2,the molecularity ,that is .It ’s acell -cell .Designer :Tjep Design Yanko Design Available at :
Emerson corded novelty telephone Pink Furry
$39.99 Available at: Distinctive Telephones
Glass Phone Style Design Yanko Design These would definitely need protective cases to make it through aday in my or any other regular human -being for that matter .And with afull -glass (and alittle bit of plastic )construction , Iwouldn ’tbe using it on anything but pure -pc -clean -hands days .On the other hand ,they are just gorgeous ,as per usual .They 're dubbed “Glassy Glassy ”phones by Funamizu .Designer :Mac Funamizu -available at
Touch Screen Rotary Phone It ’s atotal hash of digital and analog ideologies and still looks uber -cool ! Iguess this is what an iPhone -esque phone would have looked like in the 80’s.Calling itself the Touch Screen Rotary ,this phone is aRetro Blast but with modern functionality .Needless to say ,touch controls on the rotary are there and so is abacklit screen .Designer :Mark Miller Available at :Yanko Design
The Grassy PhoneYanko Design In today ’srapid consumerist society ,consumption comes into question .How durable do we want our devices to be when they become near obsolete in 5years ?The source materials that make up their build often take hundreds of years to break down .An alternative ideology are disposable products made from natural sources .The Natural Year Phone is made of hay ,sans screen and soft keys .The hard components get recycled while the hay is dry .Designer :Je -Hyun Kim Available at :
Apple Keyboard Concept Holds iPod/iPhoneApple keyboards generally aren 'ttoo exciting to look at ,but then again aconcept might just give it akick in the pants that it so desperately requires .The Apple Keyboard concept you see above not only features all the necessary keys required in aMac OS Xenvironment ,it also boasts an induction charge and sync segment on the right side that is able to hold an iPhone or iPod (from newer generations only ,obviously ).There are also half adozen programmable OLED keys that are similar to the ones on the Optimus Maximus Aux keyboard .Would you get something like this ,or do you think it is just overkill ?The designer has priced it at $79.99,and heck ,that 's awhole lot cheaper compared to those Optimus ripoffs !No idea if he 'll make aprofit at that price point though .
Conduit cell phone conceptA mobile workstation and phone all rolled up into one gorgeous package .Pan -pipe jokes aside ,this concept was designed for SKY /Pantech , aKorean cellphone company .Let 'sall beg them to make this areality .The Conduit is three devices in one .Designer Tirshathah Hunter used aroll -away flexible display to create aPDA with stylus , aregular cellphone with camera ,and aslimline cellphone that snaps away from the other modules . "Acreative approach to mobility seemed key ,"he says .When you use the slim phone alone ,there 'sno keypad ,so you use ascroll tool or voice commands for calls and texting .If you 're going to use voice commands for texting ,wouldn 'tit be easier to just call ?
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